Nerilie Abram

Professor Nerilie Abram

Role Deputy Director Organisation ANU ORCID Email


Professor Nerilie Abram uses palaeoclimate records to study how Earth’s climate has behaved in the past to provide a long-term perspective on recent climate change. She has a particular focus on reconstructing climate variability in the tropical Indian Ocean and Antarctica and how this impacts Australia’s rainfall patterns. Her work also involves proxy-model comparisons to assess forcing mechanisms behind natural and anthropogenic climate changes and helping to test climate model performance in historical and last-millennium experiments. Prof Abram holds an ARC Future Fellowship. In 2015 she received the Dorothy Hill Award from the Australian Academy of Science for her research achievements. She was Coordinating Lead Author of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate, released in September 2019.